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Rust Submarine Guide 2024 – Location, Cost, And Controls

Are you struggling to command the aquatic depths in Rust with a submarine? Submarines are your gateway to underwater exploration and pivotal for strategic advantage. Our guide will detail where to locate these submersibles, manage your resources effectively, and master the controls seamlessly. Click here if you want to learn how to play Rust.

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Key Takeaways

  • You can buy solo or duo submarines at Fishing Villages in Rust, and you’ll need Scrap as money to get one.
  • Control the submarine with keys like W for forward and S for back. Use CTRL to dive deeper and SPACEBAR to rise up.
  • Submarines use Low Grade Fuel which lasts about 55 minutes, and they also need air tanks so you don’t run out of oxygen.
  • Torpedoes are your defense in a sub; they do big damage to enemies underwater.
  • To keep your sub working well, fix it fast when it’s hurt using a hammer and metal fragments, and watch out for decay over time.

Exploring the Depths: What Are Rust Submarines?

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Rust submarines let players dive deep into the ocean. They come in two types: solo submarine for one player and duo submarine if you have a friend to join you. Submarines can go to underwater labs and sneak up on other boats.

They also have sonar which helps you see things underwater that are hard to spot.

Subs use fuel called Low Grade Fuel, and they need air so you can breathe under water. Keep an eye on both so you don’t get stuck or run out of air! If somebody attacks, fire torpedoes back at them.

Each torpedo has big damage power. Remember to take care of your sub by fixing it with a hammer or another tool gun when it gets hurt.

Locating Your Underwater Vessel

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Dive into the thrill of Rust by uncovering where to anchor your own aquatic explorer. Embarking on this submerged journey means navigating both the financial tides and hidden map treasures to claim your vessel beneath the waves.

Where to Find Rust Submarines

Rust submarines are cool underwater ships you can get to explore the deep sea. You need Scrap, a type of in-game money, to buy them.

  • Check out Fishing Villages: You can find submarines at Large and Small Fishing Village monuments. Look on your game map to spot these places.
  • Look for Boat Shop Vendors: These special sellers in the Fishing Villages have submarines just waiting for you. Make sure you’ve saved enough Scrap!
  • Search for Abandoned Subs: Sometimes players leave their subs behind. Keep an eye out for these lonely vessels that might be floating around or stuck on the ocean floor.
  • Bring Scrap with You: Don’t forget to carry your collected Scrap because that’s what you’ll need to make the purchase.

Cost Considerations for Acquiring a Submarine

Once you’ve found where to get a submarine, it’s time to look at how much it costs. Buying a submarine in Rust isn’t cheap; it will cost you 300 scrap. You can collect scrap by finding it around the map or trading with other players.

It’s important to save up because moving under water is amazing and worth the price.

Keeping your submarine running well also has its costs. If your underwater ride gets damaged, you’ll need a hammer or a special tool gun called Garry’s Mod Tool Gun to fix it. Make sure you have metal fragments handy since fixing the whole thing will take up to 62 of them.

The better you take care of your sub, the longer it will last before turning into rust!

Mastering the Controls

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4. Mastering the Controls: Dive into the heart of submarine command by learning how to navigate Rust’s aquatic depths with precision and ease. Grasp every element, from deftly handling your vessel through murky waters to managing life-sustaining systems, ensuring a seamless underwater experience.

Basic Submarine Maneuvering

Driving a submarine in Rust is like playing a fun game with keys. You use W to go forward, S to back up, A and D to turn left or right. For going deeper underwater, press the Left Control key.

And when you want to come up, just hit Spacebar. Remember that E makes you do special things, like grabbing loot or getting out of the sub.

You must keep an eye on how you drive under the sea. Don’t bump into things! Go slow if you’re exploring new places. This way you can spot cool stuff without crashing against rocks or running aground.

Moving smoothly through water takes some practice, but soon it will feel just as easy as walking!

Submerging and Resurfacing Techniques

Going underwater and coming back up in a Rust submarine is easy once you know how. Here are the steps to submerge your submarine and bring it back to the surface:

  • To dive down, press and hold the CTRL key. This makes your submarine go deeper into the water.
  • Push the SHIFT key and hold it to rise up. Your submarine will move upward towards the surface.
  • Keep an eye on your depth gauge. It tells you how deep you are, so you don’t crash into the ocean bottom.
  • Watch your oxygen levels too. You need enough air to breathe while underwater.
  • Use hydroplanes for balance. These help keep your submarine steady while it moves up or down.

Understanding the Fuel and Oxygen Systems

Submarines in Rust need Low Grade Fuel to move. Fill up the tank and you can travel underwater for about 55 minutes before you need more fuel. You don’t want your sub to run out of gas deep down! Keep track of how much fuel you have with the instrument cluster inside the submarine.

Breathing underwater is easy if you’re ready. Bring an air tank so you won’t drown when exploring. Your oxygen will not last forever, so watch your supply closely. A good tip is to always have extra tanks just in case.

This way, you can stay safe and keep having fun under the sea!

Features of Rust Submarines

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Delve into the advanced features of Rust submarines that transform underwater exploration, from choosing between solo or duo models to utilizing cutting-edge sonar technology for seamless navigation—discover how these subs redefine aquatic combat and adventure in our detailed guide.

Solo vs. Duo Submarine: Features and Differences

When considering the type of submarine to use in Rust, players have two options: the Solo Submarine and the Duo Submarine. Each has distinct features to cater to different gameplay styles.

FeatureSolo SubmarineDuo Submarine
Seating CapacityDesigned for one playerAccommodates a player and a teammate
Operational ComplexitySimpler to operate by a lone playerAllows for cooperative navigation and defense
Size and ManeuverabilitySmaller, potentially easier to maneuverLarger, slightly less maneuverable due to size
Defense CapabilitiesLimited to the capabilities of a single operatorEnhanced with the ability for one player to navigate while the other uses torpedoes
Torpedo SystemCan equip and use torpedoesSame torpedo capabilities, but with a teammate to manage them
Cost and AccessibilityGenerally less expensive and easier to acquireHigher cost due to increased capacity and functionality

The Solo Submarine serves as a compact and agile choice for individual exploration. In contrast, the Duo Submarine, with its extra seat, allows a second player to join in, offering combined efforts in navigation and combat using torpedoes with a damage capacity of 430. Whether scouting alone or teaming up, each submarine provides unique advantages to aid in the underwater adventures within Rust.

Navigating with Sonar and Depth Gauges

Once you choose between a solo or duo submarine, it’s time to dive into navigation. Sonar and depth gauges are your best friends underwater. The sonar lets you see what’s around your sub, even in dark waters.

It shows rocks, fish, and other subs too! You’ll find the sonar screen inside the sub. Look at it to avoid crashes and find interesting things.

Depth gauges tell you how deep you are. This is important because submarines can only go so deep before they get hurt by pressure. Keep an eye on your depth gauge to stay safe while exploring down below!

Utilizing Torpedo Systems for Defense

Rust submarines can shoot torpedoes to protect themselves. These powerful weapons help you attack other boats or enemies underwater. You need to learn how to aim and fire them right.

Torpedoes are great for keeping your submarine safe as you explore the ocean.

You control torpedoes with a special button in the submarine. Make sure you have enough ammo before starting a fight. Shooting torpedoes can scare away threats or destroy them before they get too close to your vessel.

Always keep an eye on your torpedo supply and use them wisely!

Maintenance and Survival Tips

Maintain your Rust submarine’s integrity and ensure survival with proactive care; delve into practical strategies for storage management, combating decay, and upholding peak durability to thrive beneath the waves.

Stay ahead of repairs and master maintenance routines that will keep your undersea adventures on course without interruption.

Managing Submarine Storage and Decay

Taking care of your Rust submarine is important to make it last. You need to know about storing it and how it breaks down over time. Here’s how you can manage these things:

  • Keep an eye on the decay time. Your submarine will start to wear out if left outside for 3 days or underwater for 10 days.
  • Store your submarine in a boat base to protect it from decay. This will slow down the breaking process and keep your sub safe when not in use.
  • Check the submarine’s health often. Use a hammer to see how much damage it has taken and fix it up before it gets too weak.
  • Gather resources for repairs. Make sure you have metal fragments and high-quality metal on hand to patch up your sub.
  • Avoid leaving items inside the storage compartment of the submarine for too long, as they may be lost if the sub decays completely.
  • Use the submarine regularly to reset its decay timer. Taking it for a spin will push back the time until it starts breaking apart.

Repair and Durability Best Practices

Keeping your submarine in top shape in Rust is key. Here are the best ways to fix and make your sub last longer.

  • Check the health: Always look at the submarine’s health bar to know when repairs are needed.
  • Use the right tools: Have a hammer and metal fragments ready to fix up your sub.
  • Fix it fast: Repair your submarine as soon as you notice damage to avoid bigger problems.
  • Store smart: Park your submarine well to prevent it from decaying quickly.
  • Keep track of time: Know that subs decay faster underwater, so don’t leave them there too long.
  • Protect from enemies: Use torpedo systems smartly to keep your sub safe from attacks.
  • Manage oxygen: Make sure you always have enough air for longer trips under water.
  • Plan your fuel use: Keep an eye on the fuel system so you don’t run out when you’re far away from land.


Get ready to explore Rust’s oceans with your very own submarine. Dive into adventure, steer through the deep blue, and defend yourself with torpedoes when needed. Remember to fuel up and keep your vessel in top shape.

Take a friend along in a duo submarine for even more fun. Happy diving!


1. Where do I find a submarine in Rust?

You can find a two-man submarine near the water in Rust. Look for it by following the coast or searching around large bodies of water.

2. How much does a submarine cost in Rust?

In Rust, you need to trade key-cards or other valuable items for submarines. The cost can change, but you usually need quite a few items to get one.

3. What are the controls for driving a submarine?

To control a submarine, use the pressure hull and speedometer to go deep underwater and move fast. You will also see buttons and levers inside the submarine that help you steer and manage speed.

4. Does my submarine break down over time?

Yes, your submarine will slowly decay over time when not used, just like rowboats and other things in Rust.

Ethan Martinez
Ethan is the Head of Content at RustCasino and a renowned expert in Rust skins and their market dynamics. With over 9 years in the Rust community, he has extensive experience managing a top Rust trading site and leading an SEO agency. Specializing in Rust skins and their trade, Ethan offers unmatched insights and expertise to every article.